This conference brings together stakeholders from academia, government and the private sector in a symposium format to better understand next generation government issues from interdisciplinary perspectives in technology, education, government, and law. No longer can siloed approaches suffice for responding to society’s problems. Collaborative visions for the next generation of technology and architecture ensure not only the public sector’s delivery of e-services and participating citizens but securing the healthy operation of the nation-state itself.
NGGS is is co-funded by the European Social Fund
This Symposium will be in English language only and on the spot!
This symposium is open for paper submissions by Masters and PhD students relevant to the topics below:
Data management |
Event-driven architecture |
Real-time analytics and decision-making |
Data system design for big data |
Unstructured/structured data management at-scale |
Big data application (smart-city, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing) |
Data exploration and visualization for Big Data |
Linked and open Big Data |
Natural Language Processing |
General Machine Learning |
Deep Learning |
Explainability in Artificial Intelligence |
Virtual agents |
Predictive analysis |
Artificial neural networks |
Building smart cities |
Silver economy |
Participatory e-budgeting |
e-Participation |
Social media |
Participatory process of society |
Future democracy (liquid democracy, direct democracy) |
Citizen assemblies and initiatives |
Risk Assessment/analysis |
Novel cryptographical methods |
Preparing for quantum computing |
Network and operating systems vulnerabilities |
Cyber-physical security |
Offensive Technology |
Cyber-hygiene & awareness training methods |
Public sector implementation |
Security and Privacy Management of e-Governance Systems |
e-Voting |
Self-Aware Contracts as well as AI and Smart Contracts |
Open and Big Data with blockchain technology |
Digital literacy & information literacy |
Change of digital culture in context (company/group/teams/community…) |
Participation, Remediation, Bricolage |
Surveillance Capitalism |
Transparency represented for contextual /situated learning |
Cultural data analytics |
Repurposing cultural data in the Society |
Proactive e-services |
Cross-border interoperability |
Collaborative service design |
Cross border functionality of eID |
Change management |
E-service use-cases |
e-Justice |
All questions should be emailed to alvar.kurrel@taltech.ee
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia,
TalTech University,
Tallinn University,
University of Tartu ,
Helsinki University,
Citizen OS
Next Generation Government Symposium takes place in the framework of EU Structural Funds support scheme “ICT skills programme” and is co-funded by the European Social Fund

Sadama 11a,
10111 Tallinn, Eesti
Tel: +372 630 1000
E-post: hotell.spa@tallink.ee