Youth protagonism and civic participation are objectives pursued in the main national, regional and local strategies. This centrality was clearly supported and inspired by the main European strategic framework for the youth sector, i.e. the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027, which identified in mission no. 9 ‘Space and Participation’ the tools and actions to foster the proactive and conscious involvement of young people (especially those at risk of social exclusion) in the decision-making processes of their communities. At the same time, the EU, through the NextGenerationEU, launched a massive investment plan for the modernisation of public services, activating more than EUR 250 billion to accelerate the transition to the egovernment paradigm and reduce the existing digital divide gaps between Member States.
EGOV4YOUTH intercepts both of the above-mentioned challenges and delivers an innovative package of initiatives and tools aimed at fostering the participation of young people in local development processes through E-GOV digital infrastructures. Starting from a survey on barriers and expectations concerning local development and digital public services, EGOV4YOUTH develops and delivers an E-Gov training programme E N2 / 81 targeting young people at risk of exclusion (with priority to “Higly Skilled NEETs” aged 24-29). The programme, based on an informal but highly interactive approach, will be accessible free of charge, even after the end of the project thanks to MOOCs. Participants will not only benefit from the knowledge necessary to consciously contribute to decision-making processes through the E-Governance methodology, but will also be called upon to cooperate with partner country authorities in the design of participatory EGovernment tools, which will subsequently be developed by the partners and made available to interested institutions through the creation of a thematic European alliance.
In case you have some questions or you are interested in the project, don’t hesitate to contact us on the following e-mail addresses: anastasiia.dudko@taltech.ee or silvia.lips@taltech.ee.
View more at egov4youth.eu.
EGOV4YOUTH delivers a European survey (PR1) on youth involvement in local E-Governance. It will examine two key aspects: the youth perspective (E-GOV knowledge, skills, safety, transparency, interest in getting involved online, etc.) and the PA perspective (management of E-GOV services, challenges, skills, initiatives in the pipeline, suggestions for improvements, etc.), clearly contributing to the priority “Strengthening the links between policy, research and practice”.