Counselling on e-Gov Master´s Programme Development and Raising Awareness of e-Governance to implement ICT Solutions in Kenya
The main goal of the project is to focus on the development of an interdisciplinary curriculum in digital competences and e-government in collaboration with the Kenyan Strathmore Business School. In the course of development activities, workshops will be conducted to introduce Estonian best practices.

Strathmore Business School (SBS)
Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications ( ITL)
e-Governance Academy (eGA)
The main goal of the project is to focus on the development of an interdisciplinary curriculum in digital competences and e-government in collaboration with the Kenyan Strathmore Business School. In the course of development activities, workshops will be conducted to introduce Estonian best practices. Training programs are taking place for SBS lecturers involved in curriculum development through a common knowledge platform. 2 e-courses will be created to train students, public and private sector representatives. SBS will get acquainted with the best practices of Estonian e-gov during a study visit to Tallinn. At the end of the project, a conference will be organized both to present the results achieved and to bring together a new social network to facilitate continued cooperation.